Thursday, March 8, 2012

Flashback Friday

Flashback Friday? Yes, it's Thursday... but I wanted a jumpstart to my Friday. Now, I've seen a lot of bloggers do "Flashback Friday," for a while and everytime I see one, I think I should do it, too. But by the time Friday comes and goes, it's Saturday and I have forgotten all about it.

If you know me at all, you know I LOVE taking pictures. I am thankful there are so many pictures of my childhood because I have a horrible memory and this helps me remember.

Senior year in high school you are to create an autobiography composed of pictures, essays, parent interviews, etc. My sister, brother and I all did one and as I recall, my sister's is about 4 inches thick, my brother's was about 4 pages thick, and mine was about 2 inches thick. Every once in a while we drag them out to look at the pictures and interviews to get a good laugh. My sister has a whole page of photos dedicated to "the look." If looks could kill... anyone that has ever pissed my sister off... would be dead. I decided I would pull my Friday flashback pictures from my autobiography and after going through some pictures tonight, I realize I am a close runner up to my sister's, for a lack of better word, "bitchy," looks.


  1. Hmmmm, maybe Frankie inherited her "stink eye" from you!! ;)

    1. Haha the last picture of me on the beach looks an awful lot like boo's look :)
