Friday, November 9, 2012

Rude Awakenings... Déjà Vu

Well it's half past midnight and I'm currently sitting on my floor in my bedroom. I have one blind propped up at eye level, so I can watch my street.

How do you suppose one falls asleep after calling 911 in the middle of the night? (I will report back later on that)

I have been taking part in the daily post on Facebook saying what I'm thankful for. Since it is officially a new day, I am thankful for Pet Detective Tigerlily.

Who needs a watchdog when you have a horrible narcoleptic sleeper and a fidgety 3 year old cat to fight the neighborhood crime?

I'm not sure if I woke her up, or vice versa. Whatever, it's a moot point. Anyway, I went to let her out for the night and she crouched down and was peering around the corner. We had an incident a few weeks ago with the Fugliest... Nastiest.... Shithead raccoon, so I thought the damn thing must be back. I step out on the porch, reindeer pajama pants and all, and expect to find a hissing raccoon.

Let's just say, I wish the raccoon came back.

I watched a man, who was scoping out a neighboring condo for sale. He didn't see me of course, but I ran inside to watch from my house. I turned on all the lights downstairs except for my room. I stood and watched for him through the blinds. He set his gym bag and another bag down on the sidewalk while he scoped out the for sale condo. Meanwhile I grab my phone to call 911, I watch him walk back down the steps and look down at each of ours. He picked up his bags, unsure of which way to go, then heads down the street closer to our house. He was giving each place a once over and was checking where each window was. Then he started to head down a side street. He for some reason changed his mind and kept going down the main street.

My heart was POUNDING so fast as I described what I could to 911. I've called 911 three times in my life.... Twice being in the last 2 months. Once was like I said before, to see what happens. I was ohh 6 or 7 years old?

So I plop myself on my bedroom floor and watch the man walk out of my sight and wait for the cops to drive in that direction. I watched one cop car drive by and a minute later watched another cop car drive by. I felt a little better, but who knows where the man had walked when he went out of my sight? What if he comes back this way?

A few minutes later I see one of the cop cars very slowly cruise back by and check out each of our places. Not a minute later I hear a car gassing it and see the cop car head the direction it just came from. About 10 or 15 minutes later I heard some sirens in the distance. I haven't seen either cop car come back this way. I'm going to assume that is a good sign and maybe they caught the guy.

It's been about an hour since this all started and I'm still sitting on my floor.

Well crap, just saw a firetruck go by. Now I'm way too curious to try to fall asleep.

Here I am, 26 years old and sitting on my bedroom floor in my Christmas pajamas watching out the window as if it's Christmas Eve and Santa should be arriving any minute. I wish it was Christmas Eve because I would totally have Santa's cookies and milk. All of this neighborhood watch has me starving and in need for a 1AM snack.

I decided not to wake up my roommates because the three of us would feed off each other, create the worst scenarios and none of us would have the slightest chance of getting a restful night of sleep.

Today I am not only thankful for my poor sleep habits, my obnoxious cat's poor sleep habits, but for the people who protect us everyday. You may not feel thankful for police officers if you're speeding down the highway and get a ticket. But when you're in a situation like this, you realize the significance of each of those people. It's a scary, but also humbling a experience to need help from a police officer. They are doing things like this everyday and every night.

For me? It's going to be a rough night sleep (what's new), but I can sleep better knowing they are taking care of this.

It's Veterans Day this weekend and there are TONS of people we owe our thanks to. Men and women are fighting and protecting us everyday.

Thank them.

I have 4 hours until I need to wake up. Lets give this sleep thing another shot.

Say thank you. Lock your doors. Say your prayers.

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