I have mentioned this several times before, but I have to say it again. Everytime the bus rides go smoothly, I think of something to write about in my blog... then that SAME day, something bizarre happens on the bus.
Let me start by saying, my original post was going to be about tomorrow, THE BIG DAY!!! My sleep study! I know I wont sleep well the night of the sleep study, who would? But I also have a feeling I wont be able to sleep tonight either. I have no idea what to expect tomorrow, but what I keep imagining is something like a looney bin. I imagine myself sitting in a room all alone and in white pajamas, hooked up to a ton of machines. I do get to bring my own pajamas and pillow. But what do you wear to a sleep study? They said it needs to be seperates, a top and bottom... DUH! What do you think I'm going to wear? A negligee?? Clearly I'll be wearing a top and bottom... people will be watching me sleep for God's sake!! I will be checking in at 7:30 PM tomorrow and don't really know at what point do they make me go to bed, but I have a feeling I will be bored. As for the next day, I will be by myself all day in that white padded room I'm imagining. I will be packing my pillow, pajamas, books, my laptop, and my camera. I may get so bored I will start live-blogging, so forgive me now.
Now that I've dragged you through my worries about tomorrow, I will get to the crazy bus story.
I hop on the first of two busses home and it's pretty packed. I squeezed in the last spot at the front of the bus, A. because it was open and B. I saw this guy toward the back who hits on me repeatedly on the bus. All of the sudden this woman starts talking and wont shut up. I started watching at her and realized there is something not quite right with her...
I glanced over and saw a woman stand up and move away from the crazy woman. I was thinking this poor woman was probably extremely annoyed of the crazy yapping her ear off. Then she yells "Excuse me bus drive we have a problem back here." And she started saying some man was making threats to the women on the bus. I got uncomfortable thinking she's lost her marbles, until I heard him telling her to be quite and the woman moved from her seat because she wanted to. The bus driver stopped the bus and walked to the back and said to the man "You need to get off the bus or I will call the sherriff." And the man said "Hey man I only have about 10 more stops, let me stay on." The bus driver repeated himself and the threatening man walked up to the crazy woman and flinched at her like he was going to hit her. It was at that moment I realized he really was crazy and making threats. I glared at him as he was walking off the bus, and he looked me right in the eye and said "I'll rip your head off, and I'm coming after you man you better watch your back."
I assumed the threats he was making were sexual, but he was actually making harmful physical threats to this poor woman. She was bright red and obviously embarassed and uncomfortable. The crazy woman who got the man kicked off the bus was quite the individual... so much so, that I had to sneak a picture of her so I can show all of you.
Here she is!

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