There is nothing funnier than seeing people running in their work clothes trying to catch the bus. I realize how mean this is, but I think I feel okay saying it because unfortunately I have become one of those people. You learn quickly to have no shame. I mean would you rather be 20 minutes late for work or run like a champ and make it on the bus. A fellow commuter once told me if you miss the streetcar, whatever you do, don't try to run to the next stop to try and make it. And i learned the hard way because as slow as it looks like its moving, you are not fast enough. Maybe if I had on running shoes and not a massive purse I could make it. Thankfully the streetcar runs every 15 minutes (most of the time), but missing it by literally one second can make you 20 minutes late for work. So, when I see the streetcar stopped at the spot, I will sometimes literally sprint across the street to get on it. Today, I did that and almost got hit by a car, but I wasn't going to miss that damn streetcar..... Well, I missed the damn streetcar. And I could see everyone's faces on the trolley looking at me with pity, because they have likely been in that position many times before. But thankfully that was the EARLY trolley, so I walked down a few blocks to get a coffee & enjoy the beautiful morning.
There have been many times it hasn't been a beautiful morning and I have missed the last trolley to be on time for work. Those mornings I HATE. Not just for the rain, but for being late, but for being too stubborn to stay for the next trolley that will arrive 20 minute later. Out of frustration I tend to walk and take shortcuts because I can't stand standing there waiting for 15 minutes when I could be walking toward work in hopes of beating the next trolley.
If you live or work in Seattle you know about the construction going on on Mercer Street. Roads blocked off, lights hanging down, and no sidewalks. And this makes it that much more difficult when you're trying to walk to work in the pooring down rain because you missed the trolley. One day I was running late leaving my house because I couldn't figure out what shoes to wear. I had just picked up my newly altered pants from Nordstrom (which are tailored for me to wear with flats). Part of the dress code requires my feet to be covered and I didn't have time to dig for the appropriate socks or pantyhose(yuck), so I threw on a pair of clogs. Fast forward an hour and a half to me running across Mercer street.... On the wrong side of the street where the cars are getting on and off I-5, with a backpack on, high waters due to clog wearing, and bright purple socks. The people in their cars who were gracious enough to let the homeless looking child across the street probably thought I was insane for bolting across the street.... But they didn't understand how badly I didn't want to be late for work!!!!
I have no shame.
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